“We’re turning into Zimbabwe” is something that I, as a South African often hear and read. Which, to me, says that a lot of folks here understand that the people of that country has not, and is not doing well socio-economically. Furthermore, that it is not a life they [South Africans] want for themselves, their children, families or, friends.
Over the past several days, Zimbabweans have been protesting over soaring prices, inadequate public services and allegations of corruption at the highest levels of Mnangagwa’s government. Now, to be clear: this is a good thing. Folks holding their government accountable is a good thing. That should never be discredited. But, of course that’s what’s currently being attempted with violent force in several instances by Zimbabwe’s current administration, instead of addressing the issues of its people. This is unacceptable.
With so many human rights issues happening all around us every day, where ever we are on the planet — particularly during this worldwide pandemic, the temptation of wanting to turn a blind eye, might be high. Moreover, it’s even easier to do so under the guise of “protecting one’s peace and mental health”. But, here’s the thing: nothing happens in a vacuum, and whether we like to admit it or not, we’re all dependent on each other in some way, shape or form.
Perhaps not in direct and immediate ways, but definitely always indirectly and eventually.